Most of the jobs in architecture come up in government organizations such as Public Works Department, the Archaeological Department, Ministry of Defense, National Building Organization, Town and Country Planning Organization, National Institute of Urban Affairs, Departments of Railways, Post and Telegraphs, Public Sector Undertakings, Housing and Urban Development Corporation, National Building Construction Corporation Ltd., etc. While some other organizations or bodies like State Departments, Housing Boards, Local Bodies for construction works, Builders, Architecture Firms, Consultants, etc. also hire architects.
Architects working independently have ample scope in terms of earning. However, the inherent hazard with independent practice is that the professional undergoes lots of work as he alone has to plan details of sizes, specification and estimates of the cost of the structure, etc. Moreover, he require good models and graphics as there would not be any other person to assist him which is the case when he works with some construction company. Specialization works well for better prospects in architecture as it is a matter of requirement.
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